Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Someone apparently reads this...

Someone apparently reads this, I've been tagged to share seven random things about myself.
1.) I hate talking on the phone. (it is currently ringing)
2.) I am a huge procrastinator, I work best under pressure.
3.) I absolutely cannot sing and clap at the same time.
4.) I learned from a book that i should smile at my children (then actually felt the need to practice in the parent pick-up line at school:D) Thank you Elizabeth George, I shall add you to my fave authors.
5.) I was the huge pregnant girl waddling across the stage at my high school graduation.
6.) My husband & I have been together for 19 years, married 13 years. Love ya, baby.
7.) I am painfully aware that my grammar sucks, feel free to correct at any time.


Little Steps Of Faith said...

love this LOL:)

Anonymous said...

so.. i think you should change your wanna be stay at home mom, to stay at home mom :)

Toknowhim said...

Thank you so much for your comment and your prayers... I am still in the process of figuring things out, but the journey I am on presently is the best place I have ever been in my life with God.

Keep sharing your story, and encouraging others like you already are doing :)