Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sunday Leftovers

God is amazing. Amazingly God and yet so amazingly personal. I make myself absolutely crazy trying to figure Him out. Let me just confess once again I was kind of dragging my feet again this morning on the way in to service. The whole work thing still (stupid i know) they scheduled me to go in early which meant i had to go to service separate from my family. [Please note one of the many reasons i write this blog is as i am writing i realize how stupid i am. My attitude should of course be that- praise God i can go to church, that my family all loves to serve God and that i have a job to got o at all...duh] So i asked my friend to save me a seat with her and as i came in she was front row, ugh, kinda like to hide behind a few rows personally.
So we had a special blessing this morning the Christian Fellowship Athletes from the high school across the street lead worship this morning. They rocked. God has giving me such a sensitive heart to those who publicly stand up and speak out for Him. These young men as i said totally rocked and i can imagine the enemy would love to throw them off track by heaping mans praise My heart was so full. whew. Just begging God to totally blow their minds, thrill them with His presence. That they would be in just complete awe of Him working through them. The Holy Spirit was so heavy upon them, i pray they know it. Well as i was praying for them to be saturated in His Spirit, i felt the heaviness. I don't know if this is weird or not but i get burning hot and i know i am supposed to submit and hit my knees and just get down and give Him glory, kinda like i am feeling right now. [here comes a stupid moment] In a flash my mind went into overhaul, pride took over "NO God, really my heart is bent down, my mind is bent down, surely i don't have to physically get down on my knees!" i am thinking-the front row is like the front row to the praise team and i felt stupid getting down. How did i go so quickly from worshiping Him to getting all caught up in myself. In a flash. Whew. Here is the good part, the part where once again God shows Himself personal and relentless with me. The song ends, maybe i am off the hook, maybe i don't have to get down... This young man starts saying Revelation 4! I'll let you read it. I hit my knees so quick. I new what was coming v.10 "get down" Whew. when that young man said it i immediately thought of someday God's might arm is going to strike and i want to be down, why did it take me so long!!! (all this happened over like 2 min time-lol) What if it was 2 min. ago when i was too prideful to get on my knees in front of the worship team, how i want to learn to listen and obey immediately. How many times do i miss the outpouring of His Spirit because i don't. [how i would love to say that the story is over and i will listen quickly next time and that i obeyed in the end] BUT! I knew what verse 10 said! Had it in my head and heart. They fell prostrate before Him who is sitting on the throne. In a flash, "God i am wearing a skirt!" He is relentless and oh so merciful. He might just turn me into a front row kind of girl.
Praise Him, when His Spirit falls maybe it hits the front row first, i'll pray about that! lol
As usual didn't get past the first 20 minutes. Let me just say to friends from my home church. I was reminded of a funny story. Our pastor had asked what are favorite book of the Bible was and I was reminded of me being a new Christian. I had asked where I should begin reading the Bible. I lived in Florida and was about to go live on my own in Oregon for a few months and wasn't going to be able to go to church and Genesis was not doing it for me!!!! The 2 pastors actually went back in forth a bit in front of me, one said John the other said Mark. Well a week later I was in Oregon and received a book in the mail from the Pastors wife. Verse by verse study of (drum roll please!) Colossians! As a new Christian i did not even know that was a book in the Bible. (i am currently crying) I am so amazed at His pursuit of me. He knew then i was a high maintenance girl, He knew that i needed to be thrilled! What a place to start, to get to know Him, those were some powerfull seeds sown! That I never stop being thrilled by Him!


Toknowhim said...

My Friday meme is up if you want to participate again...

Little Steps Of Faith said...

Hey girlie:) I found you:)
I got a lot on my page for ya to wander and look at if you want:)
I can't believe you even have Amanda's page up lol...I thought only so many people had it...guess not lol.
I have met some amazing ladies from the LPM blog, and I am so glad I can call you a siesta too:)
Which, I am not sure if you know started from a typo!
Anyway, so hola from blogland, and I will talk to ya soon:)

Be Blessed:)
